Digitalisation leaders at Metalloobrabotka 2024

22 / 05 / 2024

An award ceremony for the OEE Award winners was held within a conference programme of Metalloobrabotka 2024, which is organised by EXPOCENTRE AO. The OEE Award aims to identify and encourage teams of companies that have implemented digitalisation projects at various levels and areas of production.

The award ceremony is traditionally held in conjunction with the Conference on Efficient Production 4.0 organised by Zyfra Group. This large-scale event brings together more than 3,000 leaders of digitalisation in Russia into a professional community.

This year’s ceremony is the first time that it is held during Metalloobrabotka at EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds. According to the OEE Award organisers, this is a good step forward as it raises the award’s status.

A total of thirteen awards of OEE Award 2024 were presented in eight categories.

UEK-Saturn has won the first place in the Data-Based Production Management category for the comprehensive implementation of the Smart Shop digital platform. In the same category, a special prize was awarded to NPO Almaz for the implementation of the SFERAbyte automated information and management system project.

UEK-Saturn-OMKB was also named the winner in the Internal Cooperation and Resource Management category. The company launched a project related to an innovative way of increasing equipment productivity through continuous digital monitoring of feed and spindle movement parameters using the Dispatcher monitoring functions of measurable parameters.

The category of Automation of MRO Processes and Technical Diagnostics of Equipment had the largest numbers of awards. The jury panel gave the first place to KOBLiK GROUP. Honorary certificates were also awarded to the EVRAZ United West Siberian Metallurgical Plant, Rosseti Centre, which is a branch of Lipetskenergo, and Minudobrenya.

The Digital Twins and Product Certification is the name of the next category. Its winner was Mercator Kaluga, which had developed an automated system for monitoring and intelligent management of a life cycle of vehicles.

The category of Human Capital in the Era of Digital Transformation was won by the EVRAZ United West Siberian Metallurgical Plant, which implemented a liquid steel yield calculator at its Oxygen Converter Shop No. 1.

In the next category, Process Robotisation and Unmanned Manufacturing, first place was awarded to NexTouch, which carried out clean room robotisation at its display and touch panel manufacturing facility.

Prizes and certificates of OEE Award 2024 were also presented to the Ural Works of Civil Aviation (Platform solutions for enterprise information systems management), Petersburg Milling Plant and the Packaging Systems factory producing carton packaging for beverages and dairy products (Effective import substitution).

The OEE Award 2024 winners made presentations of their projects at a special case session for the participants in the Conference on Efficient Production 4.0.

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO
